Inktober 2020: Plotter Edition

Last year I participated in Inktober, an annual challenge where you create an artwork with ink every day for the duration of October, based on a list of prompts. I drew my sketches freehand in a spare notebook.

This year, I'm doing it again but I'm getting my robot to draw for me. I'm going to code a small generative sketch each day this month and feed it to my Axidraw. It's a nice way of "practicing my scales" for both my code skills and my creativity at the same time.

I'll update this post each day with the newest sketch. Here's the list of prompts for this year, so you can mark your calendar if there's one you're particularly excited about.

Alright, here's the full list. For each one I'll share the finished piece, the code used to create it (which can also be found here), and a generator where you can make your own. Expect simplicity, randomness, and very, very rough code.

1 October: Fish

Code // Generator // Video

2 October: Wisp

Code // Generator // Video

3 October: Bulky

Code // Generator // Video

4 October: Radio

Code // Generator // Video

5 October: Blade

Code // Generator // Video

6 October: Rodent

Code // Generator

* No web generator for this sketch, as it requires a Node.js server to supply the Quick, Draw mice sketches. If you want to run it, download and unzip the whole Inktober2020 repository, open a terminal, go into the 6 directory, type npm start, and then visit http://localhost:3000 in your browser.

7 October: Fancy

Code // Generator

8 October: Teeth

Code // Generator

9 October: Throw

Code // Generator // Video

10 October: Hope

Code // Generator // Video

11 October: Disgusting

Code // Generator

12 October: Slippery

Code // Generator

13 October: Dune

Code // Generator

14 October: Armor

Code // Generator

15 October: Outpost

Code // Generator

16 October: Rocket

Code // Generator

17 October: Storm

Code // Generator

18 October: Trap

Code // Generator

19 October: Dizzy

Code // Generator

20 October: Coral

Code // Generator

21 October: Sleep

Code // Generator

22 October: Chef

Code // Generator

23 October: Rip

Code // Generator // Video

24 October: Dig

Code // Generator

25 October: Buddy

Code // Generator

26 October: Hide

Code // Generator

27 October: Music

Code // Generator

28 October: Float

Code // Generator

29 October: Shoes

Code // Generator

30 October: Ominous

Code // Generator

31 October: Crawl

Code // Generator