I'm joining Possible

This week I had my first day at Possible, a London-based climate charity. My official job title is "data visualization designer", which will involve creating data visualizations, infographics and maps - primarily on the Car-Free Cities campaign. I'll be working remotely from my home in Gothenburg, Sweden.

As you'll likely know if you're reading this blog, I care about climate change. It's the greatest threat facing humankind, and solving it will make life better for billions of people all around the world. I've been studying, writing about, and doing visualization work around climate change for decades, but I wanted to join Possible for a few key reasons.
The first is that I want to reach a larger audience. My solo climate projects have been well-received, but being part of an organization means my work will be seen by many more people. That's important for that work having a larger impact.
The second is that it's easier to do better work in a team, and especially a team as good as Possible's. I've worked with the charity in the past - on the Riding Sunbeams project, and on another project around heat pumps (I wrote this explainer). I was an enthusiastic backer of the Carbon City Zero card game project, too. I've admired Possible's work for years, because its positivity. The focus is on "facing our climate dread with a can-do attitude and sense of fun".
Finally, the position is part-time, so I'll still be able to take on client work on projects around data visualization and information design. If that's something you're interested in talking to me about, then go check out my website and portfolio. I'll have time to finish and release Loud Numbers (the data sonification podcast that I'm working on with Miriam Quick) too, which is a key priority for me this year, and I'll continue to work on personal projects in whatever time remains.
If you like the look of Possible's work, there are lots of ways to support the organization. You can check out the list of projects that we're currently working on. You can join up as a supporter, which costs nothing. Or you can make a donation, which will go towards our work developing inspiring solutions to the climate crisis.
Finally, if you're a freelance web developer with a good understanding of Squarespace, we're looking for a little help making our website more accessible. Find out more on Possible's careers page.