Worknotes Tenday Notes 11 July - 20 July 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. Are you familiar with the concept of pace layers? It's an invention of Stewart Brand, describing how society
Inspiration Reading Layers Are you familiar with the concept of pace layers? It's an invention of Stewart Brand, describing how society changes at different paces. The slowest pace of change is nature, then culture, then governance, then infrastructure, then commerce, and finally fashion - which changes fastest. It's a
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 June - 10 July 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. It has been a little while since you heard from me, because I've been (a) on holiday and
Writing The City of the Future Looks Like a Former Military Bunker in Taipei Back in 2016, I wrote an article for How We Get To Next on an informal settlement called Treasure Hill, in Taiwan, that could be a prototype for the future of sustainable urban living. How We Get To Next is still online in archived format, but with bitrot being what
Dataviz How to engage audiences with climate data Recently, the kind folks at the European Journalism Centre asked me to appear on their Conversations With Data podcast, to talk about data and climate journalism. Alongside data journalist Pei Ying Loh from Kontinentalist, and visual journalist Rodolfo Almeida, we spent an hour dissecting what organisations and the media frequently
Worknotes Tenday Notes 11 May - 30 May 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. I've released a new script for the Monome Norns - a kind of open-source musical gameboy with a
Dataviz Streetspace Invaders The Streetspace Invaders report that I worked on for Possible has just been published! We did freedom-of-information requests to all of London's local authorities to find out where they're siting their electric vehicle chargers - in the roadway, or on the pavement where they obstruct pedestrians.
Sonification ufo: an ultra-low frequency oscillator powered by the ISS UFO is a script for the Monome Norns - a kind of open-source musical gameboy with a tonne of amazing free scripts developed by the community. The script uses the International Space Station (ISS) as a low-frequency oscillator, with a period of about 90 minutes. It grabs data from the
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 May - 10 May 2023 Hello friends, my name is Duncan and this is Hello From Duncan - a newsletter than I send every ten days or so, rounding up my recent creative input and output. Becasue you can't have the latter without the former. It's free, you're getting
Worknotes Tenday Notes 21 April - 30 April 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. For the last five years or so, the 11-year solar magnetic activity cycle has been at its lowest ebb. Now,
Worknotes Tenday Notes 11 April - 20 April 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. The lovely folks at Ableton have written up an article about data sonification and climate action, featuring quite a lot
Worknotes Skåneleden Notes 1 Apr - 10 Apr 2023 Usually in the notes that I write every ten days, I round up my recent creative input and output. This time round, though, things are a bit different - over Easter I took a five-day walk through the forests of northern Skåne, so that's what this post is
Worknotes Tenday Notes 21 March - 30 March 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. The most clicked link from last time was to a set of badges that allow you to mark content as
Worknotes Tenday Notes 11 March - 20 March 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. Off the back of the excellent Designing Your System for Creativity workshop by Oliver Burkeman that I mentioned here a
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 March - 10 March 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. I've figured how to track how many links get clicked in these messages. So, stealing a trick from
Worknotes Tenday Notes 21 Feb - 28 Feb 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. Short one this, as it's a short tenday period consisting of just eight days. THANKS FEBRUARY. I'
Worknotes Tenday Notes 11 Feb - 20 Feb 2023 Hello friends. My name is Duncan and this is Hello From Duncan - a regular roundup of my recent creative input and output. You're getting it because you signed up for it, and if you want to unsubscribe then you can do so any time with the link
Sonification Decibels Challenge: Objects Launched Into Space Decibels, the sonification community that I founded, runs a monthly challenge where a dataset or other assignment is provided and participants have two weeks to create a data sonification. The latest challenge was set by Ben Cooley. He picked Our World in Data's Objects Launched into Space dataset.
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 Feb - 10 Feb 2023 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. This is a short one, because I spent last weekend seeing friends in Gothenburg, and I'm spending this
Worknotes Month Notes - January 2023 Every ten days or so (a month in this case!), I share a digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. Biggest news of the month is that we're making the Elevate Dataviz Learning Community
Sonification Sonification in Eurorack The greatest joy of modular synthesizers is that you get to create a new instrument every time you sit down. You start with a bunch of modules that send and receive signals of a few basic types (triggers, gates, control voltage, audio), and you decide what goes where. You get
Worknotes 2022 in Review Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. This edition rounds up the whole of 2022 instead. More in the series here. Information Design It was a good year for my information design work - I was booked
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 Dec - 10 Dec 2022 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. As promised, a new season of Signal Chain has begun - my creative collaboration with photographer Oliver Holms. Check out
Worknotes Tenday Notes 21 Nov - 30 Nov 2022 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. I'm writing to you today from a cabin in the woods where I've been spending a
Worknotes Tenday Notes 1 Nov - 20 Nov 2022 Every ten days or so, I share a quick digest of what I've been working on and reading. Here's the latest. More in the series here. Scandalously, it has been 20 days since you last heard from me. I write these notes by trying to scribble